#Media and EntertainmentCase
StudyFix Defects & Boost Agility With Mobile Testing
Abstract A renowned video gaming company grappling with hurdles in delivering a flawless gaming experience aimed to enhance its gameplay with add-on features. To tackle this, they turned to Cigniti's Mobile Testing Solutions, which comprehensively addressed core game logic scenarios on standard devices. Explore how we mitigated challenges and facilitated seamless updates with fresh downloadable content, rectifying 70% of defects and ensuring sustained agility.Download the Collateral
#Media and EntertainmentCase
StudyMinimize Critical Defect Leakage with Functional Testing
Abstract In order to yield a seamless viewing experience, the entertainment industry are focusing on making their application platform glitch-free. A top media streaming company wanted to automate use cases to prevent leakage of defects into production caused by human error. Know how Cigniti automated their test scripts and minimized leakage of high severity defects.Download the Collateral
#Media and EntertainmentCase
StudyReduce Time to Market with Game Testing Services
Abstract In any gaming app, a seamless interface is directly proportional to its popularity in the gaming industry. A billion-dollar animation company venturing into gaming wanted to leverage test automation to meet the need of high-speed product rollout and manage the dynamic UI changes. Know how Cigniti's robust test execution mechanism lowered maintenance costs and promoted scalability.Download the Collateral
#Media and EntertainmentCase
StudyReduce Test Cycle Time with Mobile Compatibility Testing
Abstract Most users today chose mobile devices as their preferred platform for entertainment and media consumption. A managed services provider which aggregates entertainment content over 120 channels wanted to ensure compatibility across diverse mobile platforms. Read how Cigniti enriched the client's business outcomes by reducing test cycle time by 50%.Download the Collateral
#Media and EntertainmentCase
StudyMinimize Post Production Defects with Dev Test Ops
Abstract DevOps is enabling the event management industry to achieve desired scalability at high speed. A global travel and meetings management company needed to eliminate post-production defects ensure delivery of optimally curated management services to its world-wide network of MNCs. Cigniti's rich expertise in Agile QA & DevOps reduced the post-production defects by 40%.Download the Collateral
- Industries
- Digital Assurance Services
- Digital Engineering Services
- IP & Innovation-Platforms
- BlueSwanTM
- Verita – Quality Engineering Dashboard
- iNSta – Intelligent Scriptless Test Automation
- Incight – App Experience Analyzer Tool
- CLAP – Cloud Migration Assurance Platform
- MAP – Model Assurance Platform
- Velocita – Test Automation Accelerators
- Praxia – Process Accelerator
- Cesta – Integrated Migration Solutions
- ZastraTM
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- BlueSwanTM
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