Digital Dialogues

Webinars & Fireside Chats on Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering

Championing AI: Avoiding Bias and Building an Inclusive Future

Future of Workplace is Technology Driven An AI Perspective for Enhanced Productivity

Building Resilient Digital Systems Through Chaos Engineering

The Gen A(I)ge & Software Quality Assurance – Implications

How to Unlock and Transform Quality Engineering

How to Unlock & Transform Quality Engineering

DevOps and Continuous Delivery: Go from Continuous Delivery to Accelerated Delivery of Your Digital Projects

Re-Imagine DevOps and Continuous Testing with a Unified Enterprise Test Execution Environment

A Deep Dive into Katalon’s State of Quality Report 2023

Women in Tech Roundtable

Democratize Test Automation with AI & Low-Code: Go Beyond the Hype

Quality Engineering for the Digital Enterprise: Overcome Challenges of Security, Speed, and Quality

ModelOps, ML Validation & ML Assurance: The Next Frontiers of AI-led Digital Assurance

Software Testing: Trends Shaping the Industry

Accelerating the Banking Transformation with Digital Assurance

Accelerating Digital Transformation in Banking through Digital Assurance

Airlines: Back to the Skies With Superior Digital Customer Experience


Steps to Practical, Predictable, and Scalable Mobile-Centric End User Experience

Challenges in Cloud Migration and the Need for Assurance Solutions

Scalable Active Learning for Image Classification and Detection

Shifting Left: Using Cost of Quality as a Driver Against Resistance

Stay Ahead of Your Customers’ Experience in the Age of 5G

Demonstrations, Experiments, and Software Testing

Accelerate Your Agile And DevOps Journey With Continuous Testing

AI in Clinical Practice: Generating Insights for Disease Understanding & Evaluation

Shift Left or Squish Right: Getting Time to Test

Role of Performance Engineering in addressing Digital Transformation challenges

Enterprise Transformation in Financial Industry: Role of DevOps & Continuous Testing

Delivering business outcomes in Digital Transformation initiatives leveraging Testing IP (Featuring Forrester)

Integrating Cloud-based Mobile Test Automation into your CI-CD Pipeline

NextGen technologies that are aiding Quality@Speed in Banking & Financial Services

Quality Engineering in a SAFe World

Testing Transformation: Integrating Automated Testing Into DevOps & Agile

Accelerate Digital Transformation with Agile & DevOps Continuous Testing

Staying one step ahead with DevSecOps

Accelerating Your Microservices Testing with DevOps

How to fit Performance Testing Within a DevOps Environment?

Accelerate Digital Transformation with DevOps

Quality Engineering in DevOps World – A Strategic Enabler

Leverage Quality Engineering to Achieve Secure Digital Payments

How QA & Digital Transformation are Changing Organizations

Developing a Robust Testing Approach for Agile Transformation

Agile DevOps: Test-driven IT Environment Management Solution

Cigniti & Experitest Webinar on Mobile Banking Testing

Building Cloud Based Performance Test Lab, An Experiential Workshop

Leverage the Power of SAP CBTA to Reduce Release Time & Faster Go-to-Market

Webinar on Migrate2Selenium

Leverage Quality Engineering to Achieve Secure Digital Payments

How QA & Digital Transformation are Changing Organizations

Performance Testing in Cloud Right Before Your…

Mobile Automation: Learn How to Shift Left, Don’t…

Mobile Test Automation Right Before Your Eyes

API Readiness – Cigniti and SmartBear Joint Webinar

Continuous Integration Using Microsoft Tools…

Webinar on Business Transformation using Test…

Testing Banking & Financial Applications:…

Mobile App Testing in Agile Environment

Webinar on Compelling Benefits of Specialist QA…

Agile DevOps: Test-driven IT Environment Management Solution

Mobile test automation, Right before your eyes