Staying one step ahead with DevSecOps

Staying one step ahead with DevSecOps

Staying one step ahead with DevSecOps


Rajesh Sarangapan – Vice President – Practice & Innovation, Cigniti Technologies
Lucas Von Stockhausen – Senior Product Manager, Application Security at Microfocus.


One of the top priorities of the IT leaders today is DevOps compliance. A lot of attention is paid to frequent feature releases, increased application stability, and better resource utilization. However, application security, that needs to be implemented at multiple points in the DevOps workflow, is seen as an inhibitor to the continuous delivery.

According to a Gartner survey “By 2019, more than 50% of enterprise DevOps initiatives will have incorporated application security testing for custom code, up from less than 10% in 2016.”

In this webinar, Rajesh Sarangapani, VP Delivery, Cigniti Technologies and Lucas Von Stockhausen, Senior Product Manager, Application Security, Microfocus discussed how security can be implemented in the DevOps environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore the existing state of the DevSecOps market
  • Discover the benefits of integrating security into CI/CD cycle
  • Prepare groundwork for a successful DevSecOps transformation
  • How Cigniti is implementing DevSecOps for its customers
  • Explore Microfocus Security tools and their alignment to DevSecOps

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