Bringing AI into Quality Assurance delivers superior results

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Most businesses have a strategy for digital transformation that includes updating infrastructure, processes, and apps in order to improve customer experience, efficiency, agility, and profitability. Quality Assurance (QA) is frequently overlooked.

Every digital application, on the other hand, is generally built using the Agile development methodology, or DevOps, which means shorter release cycles and increased pressure to create high-quality code in even shorter timeframes. To aid this, corporations prepare for more DevOps controls while ignoring the QA approach. The way quality assurance is carried out in businesses has to alter.

In general, there are two driving forces: testing agility (continuous quality assurance) and a shorter time to market. Traditional test automation is no longer suitable for QA teams to keep up with the agile way of development, hence the need for AI in test automation is unavoidable.

Testing companies are being forced to experiment with new and developing technological solutions in the area of automation.

Improving Quality Assurance using Artificial Intelligence

Cognitive automation solutions (Intelligent Automation) powered by AI combine the best of automation tactics to provide greater outcomes. The goal is to remove test coverage overlaps, optimize efforts with more predictable testing, and finally, move away from defect detection and toward defect prevention.

Organizations now have superior machine learning algorithms for pattern analysis and analyzing large amounts of data, resulting in more accurate run-time choices. Machine learning algorithms can, for example, traverse the code during a software upgrade to discover major changes in functionality and relate them to the requirements in order to create test cases. This aids in the optimization of testing and the avoidance of judgments on hotspots that might lead to failure.

Robotic process automation (RPA) and robotic solutions (bots) are widely used for a range of automation purposes that go beyond traditional testing. Robots are being developed to serve as testers for physical devices such as ATMs and cell phones. The need for co-location is eliminated since these robots can be programmed and commanded from afar.

Solutions that create a genuine autonomous approach to testing with deep learning basics are the way of the future. Autonomous technologies, like self-driving vehicles, will learn to produce their own test scripts.

Most major legacy organizations have considerable investments in their core IT systems, which require extensive testing. The cost of testing is estimated to be a quarter of the overall support cost of a typical organization. The task is to create a balance between the amount of money spent on testing and the likelihood of failure.

Organizations may reenergize their core and make every individual more effective in their day-to-day work using Intelligent Automation solutions, resulting in optimal value and efficiency.

How are AI infused applications being tested

When artificial intelligence enters the picture, Quality Assurance’s duty shifts to ensuring continuous improvement.

In today’s world, quality assurance and QA outsourcing are essential components of any software development project. To be successful, the design, develop, test, and deploy processes must be completed correctly and in the correct order. As a result, QA engineers engage in using agile approaches throughout the software development life cycle, testing all progress in tiny, iterative increments to ensure that the product is constantly responding to the proper goals.

This is how one would anticipate QA to be implemented in AI projects. That isn’t always the case, though. While the usual iterative 4-stage method is mostly preserved, AI-driven procedures may be quickly implemented. Why? Because of the intrinsic nature of AI, which is always learning and always developing, regular monitoring is required.

That is to say, you do not do QA for AI projects in the same manner that you would for any other project.

AI, by definition, must be thoroughly evaluated on a regular basis. You can’t just toss some training data at an algorithm and call it a day if you want to build an AI that genuinely works. The purpose of QA and Testing is to ensure that the training data is “useful” and that it accomplishes the task at hand.

Simple validation approaches are used to accomplish this. In order to use a piece of the training data in the validation step, QA engineers working with AI must first pick a portion of the training data. Then they run it through a scenario to see how the algorithm operates, how the data reacts, and if the AI returns accurate and consistent prediction findings.

If a substantial error is discovered by the QA team during the validation phase, the AI is returned to development, just like any other software development project. After a few modifications, the AI is sent back into QA until it produces the intended results.

But, unlike ordinary software, the QA team’s work isn’t done. QA engineers must repeat all of this using various testing data for an arbitrary period of time, which is determined by how thorough you want to be or how much time and resources you have available. All of this occurs prior to the AI model being put into production.

This is the “training phase” of AI, in which the development team evaluates the algorithm several times for various scenarios. QA, on the other hand, is never concerned with the code or the AI algorithm itself; instead, they must presume that everything has been done correctly and focus on ensuring that the AI accomplishes what it is meant to do.

This method gives QA engineers two key items to work with: hyperparameter setting data and training data. Validation methods are used to test the former, but other methods such as cross-validation can also be used. In reality, validation procedures must be included in each AI development project to evaluate if the hyperparameter settings are right.

According to Diego Lo Giudice, Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester, “Many organizations are developing new business applications or upgrading existing ones by infusing them with AI capabilities to make them sense, think, and act. However, our research shows that AI-infused applications aren’t being tested enough, and as they’re scaled and deployed in production, they also scale more problems while decreasing business benefits.

Not thoroughly evaluating AI infused applications exposes them to danger and reduces the economic value they may deliver. In addition, AI infused applications with highly autonomous components increase uncertainty, necessitating further testing of interactions between the multiple models and the automated software. As a result, testers will be forced to cope with a variety of nondeterministic use scenarios. Testing with increasing levels of uncertainty becomes more difficult, combinatorial, and costly to automate. Testing deployed AI applications in production has become far more important than in the domain of autonomous software.

You’ll also require an AI infused application continuous delivery approach with an integrated continuous testing platform, in addition to a testing strategy that centers on organization, skills, and practices. The path toward DevOps for AI has already begun (MLOps), and that journey must incorporate automated AI infused application continuous testing, just as it has in the realm of autonomous software applications. The implementation of a technological platform for AI continuous testing is still in its infancy. We’re not only dealing with one pipeline – the software pipeline – but also with parallel data and model pipelines, each with their own development and testing lifecycles that must be synchronized and integrated.


Enterprises may face a variety of challenges when using AI to test apps for quality, including identifying the exact use cases, a lack of awareness about what really needs to be done, verifying app behavior based on data input, testing apps for functionality, performance, scalability, security, and more.

Cigniti’s vast experience in AI, machine learning, and analytics helps businesses enhance their automation frameworks and quality assurance methods. Cigniti uses its next-generation IP, BlueSwanTM, to deliver AI/ML-driven testing and performance engineering services for your QA framework.

With a strong focus on AI algorithms for test suite optimization, defect analytics, customer sentiment analytics, scenario traceability, integrated requirements traceability matrix (RTM), rapid impact analysis, comprehensive documentation, and log analytics, at Cigniti, we have established a 4-pronged AI-led testing approach. Use our expertise in defect predictive analytics and test execution to ensure 100% test coverage for your AI-based applications.

Consult our team of AI Testing specialists to know more about bringing AI into Quality Assurance and deliver superior results.


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    Cigniti Technologies Limited, a Coforge company, is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services provider. Headquartered in Hyderabad, India, Cigniti’s 4200+ employees help Fortune 500 & Global 2000 enterprises across 25 countries accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership by providing transformation services leveraging IP & platform-led innovation with expertise across multiple verticals and domains.
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