Creating the future-ready business with IoT testing

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We can talk about the data-driven future all that we want. We can imagine a world led by smart machines that delve on insights derived from data. But, we would be stranded in the nowhere’s land if there is not sufficient data. 

Internet of Things or IoT is offering the means of generating and collecting the volume of data required. And how? By providing connectivity – real-time, continuous connectivity. 

During the global lockdown scenario, businesses reprioritized their strategies, reorganized their ongoing projects, and restructured their plans for the future. Amidst all this, the general perception was that the IoT-related and other next-gen projects would have taken a back seat. However, the recently released IoT spotlight report narrates a different story. 

About 84% of the companies felt that the Internet of Things (IoT) had ensured business continuity for them during the pandemic. IoT continues to generate real business value as most IoT investments are into two main areas – improving operational efficiencies and creating new products & services. 

The report showed that the IoT adoption remained strong even during the global health & economic crisis, that it is at the core of digitization, and enables the future-ready business. 

Some of the key findings of the report are: 

  • The crisis prompted 73% of the IoT users to accelerate the pace of adoption 
  • 86% respondents said IoT has changed the way they approach analytics and value of data 
  • 87% respondents agree that their core business strategy has changed for the better as a result of adopting IoT 
  • 73% of adopters are confident that companies that have failed to embrace IoT within five years will have fallen behind 

Certainly, IoT has become imperative for building a sustainable, long-term, competitive advantage, which is essential for making a business ready for the future. 

Even though IoT adoption has proved to generate positive revenue streams, there is another aspect to it that should be given the due consideration. While embracing IoT solutions or deploying IoT platforms, it is critical to ensure that they are secure and capable of tackling the challenges related to security, performance, and quality.  

If the IoT technology is the means to creating a future-ready business, IoT testing is the integral engine that keeps the journey to the future going without any glitches. 

IoT for boosting retail operational efficiency 

Retailers are embracing IoT for streamlining their supply chain management and logistics management processes. With the help of embedded IoT chips, they get access to real-time data related to the quality and availability of all the products. Further, the data generated also helps the retailers to identify any defects before shipping. This allows them to prevent the dispatch of defected products to the end customers, which results in better customer experience. 

Additionally, with real-time tracking and data monitoring, operational efficiency is improved as the stocking and dispatching time is accelerated and waste is reduced. 

E&U experiencing better revenue streams with IoT 

IoT has been a boon for the E&U sector during this pandemic. As social distancing protocols were in place and strict lockdowns were enforced, IoT sensors enabled them to monitor their operations remotely. 

If it were not for the deployed IoT solutions in place, the global E&U operations would have come to a halt. This would have consequently impacted the services, rendering all the businesses unable to continue the way they have while working from home. 

Additionally, IoT sensors placed in the energy sources can offer accurate data related to usage and efficiency. This data can be leveraged to imbibe better qualitative aspects into the services and thus enhance user experience. 

IoT and the new healthcare imperative 

Healthcare digital transformation journey has sped up during the pandemic. Manual processes would have no longer been effective due to the growing volume of incoming patients and low doctor to patient ratio. 

The adoption of IoT in healthcare enabled faster accessibility between patients and doctors. Telehealth platforms allowed caregivers to tend to several patients remotely. Internet of Medical Things or IoMT devices provided access to real-time data related to critical patients and made remote patient monitoring possible. 

It is all about customer experience 

Irrespective of the industry in which the IoT technology is embraced and deployed, it all boils down to improved experience for the end users. 

However, before diving in the sea of smart IoT solutions, it is important to understand the challenges that come along them and tackle them proactively. 

Although IoT solutions are a great source of data, the concerns related to data security have not died down. Further, there are challenges related to access management, third-party data sharing, compliance requirements, hardware, validation, and integration management. 

To overcome these challenges effectively and to ascertain that the users do not have to suffer the consequences, IoT testing becomes indispensable. 

IoT testing can detect any potential vulnerability in advance, offering you the window to resolve them before deploying the solution. As there are multiple interdependencies, even a tiny vulnerability can prove fatal for the entire network. 

As all the IoT devices are part of a connected network, it is also necessary for each component to perform and function seamlessly. To ensure this, IoT testing should be conducted for all the devices end-to-end. 

How can we help 

Cigniti’s experience in IoT app Testing as a Service (TaaS), a team of IoT-skilled testers, and a robust IoT testing infrastructure support real-time testing of Big Data, Compatibility, IoT Security, Performance, Pilot, Regulatory, Reliability, Upgrade, Usability, and smart devices in a dynamic environment. 

Our IoT-skilled testers are experienced in using multiple IoT network protocols such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave, 6LoWPAN, Thread, Wi-Fi, Cellular, NFC, SIGFOX, Neul, LoRaWAN, and more. Enterprises utilize our skills to overcome their IoT testing challenges and move ahead successfully in their digital transformation journey. 

Schedule a discussion with our IoT testing experts today. 


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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