CXaaS – Customer Experience (CX) Assurance as a Service

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Building customer loyalty and satisfaction is the key for any customer experience leader to meet their company’s business goals and improve return on investment (ROI). 

However, many companies fall prey to just trying to fix their existing pain points instead of creating new innovative customer experience projects that really make a difference. 

According to a recent research conducted by Gartner, “Despite a mandate to create a differentiated and innovative customer experience (CX) strategy that will drive business growth, over 70% of CX leaders struggle to design projects that increase customer loyalty and achieve results. 

Understand the Customer better 

It is imperative to comprehend your customer better in order to pave the way for an effective customer experience. The odds are very high for a surreal customer experience if their needs are not met. 

Here are a few things that can help you understand your customers better: 

  • Augment syndicated research to get a complete assessment of your customer. 
  • Try to think like a customer. See your business from their point of view. 
  • Evaluate consumer motivation and identify their main segments. 
  • Identify your brand trends and use behavioral data to inform your outreach. 
  • Build robust personas from data analytics and follow up religiously. 

While these factors certainly help understand your customer needs, the driving trends and ever-changing customer behavior seldom result in failing to meet their expectations. However, the challenges are more, especially, when the world stands still with the onset of the pandemic. 

Challenges in meeting customer expectations during the pandemic era 

The pandemic has overwhelmed lives and livelihoods across the world as millions are furloughed and retreat into isolation. Digital adoption has become imperative and customer behavior is changing at a staggering pace. 

According to a recent PwC CFO Pulse Survey amid worries of a second wave of COVID-19 infections, “63% of CFOs plan changes to products and services; 41% look to alter pricing, among other revenue strategies. As they reinvent their businesses, nearly one-third of CFOs (32%) look to tech-driven products and services. 

In the realms of uncertainty, most of the enterprises have started to adapt to the unpredictable by empowering resilient operations and flexing their customer workforce. 

Improved Product Experience is the key to Customer loyalty 

Researchers have put forth four categories – Interaction Experience, Product Experience, Brand Perception, and Price, in measuring the customer loyalty. The findings indicate that Product Experience counts the most when compared with other categories.  

According to Gartner, “Product experience has the greatest impact on customer loyalty, accounting for over 36% of the change in the attitudinal loyalty index, compared with 30.4% for interaction experience, 20.4% for brand perception and 13% for price.” 

The Customer Experience loyalty model pertaining to the product experience includes:  

  1. Product Utility: Does the product work for the customer? 
  2. Product Usability: Is the product easy for the customer to use? 
  3. Aligning Customer Needs: Do the company’s products address the customer changing needs? 
  4. Life Enrichment: Does using the product make customer life better? 

While it is a profound fact that product experience takes the driver’s seat, every enterprise should consider providing customer experience assurance as a service to stay ahead of the competition and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

Providing Customer Experience Assurance as a Service 

It is imperative for enterprises to take customer focused approach rather than enterprise focused to find opportunities, ideate solutions, prioritize projects, and build customer assurance experiences. 

According to Gartner, “Changing how Customer Experience teams listen to customer feedback to focus explicitly and exclusively on those issues and experiences that create memorable and meaningful impressions is then the first major step in building a Customer Experience strategy rooted in salience. Next, Customer Experience teams must prioritize projects to pursue. 

The Customer Experience assurance as a service is ideally construed as a holistic platform that can deliver superior customer experience by assuring overall quality of the applications. 

Several enterprises have either built or started building Customer Experience Assurance as a cloud-based service enabling endtoend automated customer experience testing and monitoring for their respective processes.  

A robust solution would encompass testing all the facets of customer experience assurance. In-depth analysis can be obtained by mapping customer experience maturity along with qualitative insights. 

It is also vital to have a quality assessment of applications harboring customer experience based on the usability, accessibility, compatibility, performance, and security. Browser compatibility, accessibility testing, and functional tests can be automated by embedding script-bot based test automation. 

While the features are many and flexible to adapt to different environments, it requires a robust architecture to reap in the actual benefits garnered by customer experience assurance as a service.Page Break 

Benefits of end-to-end customer experience services solution 

Providing digital customer experience solutions has reaped in several benefits to enterprises and has acted as a catalyst in expediting return on investment (ROI). 

A recently conducted Forrester study based on the outcome of an end-to-end customer experience service solution identified the following benefits that improved –  

  • Operational efficiency by 40% 
  • Customer loyalty by 47% 
  • Increase in sales by 40% 
  • Overall customer experience by 57% 
  • Positive brand image by 34% 
  • Personalized customer experience by 49% 
  • Customer lifetime value by 36% 
  • Ability to respond in real time by 47% 
  • Real time insights by 42% 
  • Journey mapping and orchestration by 42% 

A holistic customer experience assurance as a service solution addresses the most important challenges and provides vast benefits to enterprises focusing on increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction. 


Across all channels and touchpoints, customers hold enterprises to increasingly high standards for personalization. Enterprises should have a strategy to deliver exceptional customer experience (CX) to compete and win in a modern landscape.  

Today, while Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are being used to measure the customer experience, it is only the correct analysis and use of the data collected that can further help improve the customer experience testing. 

Cigniti delivers sector specific enterprise solutions helping build infrastructure resilience, leading to sustained positive customer experience. Digitalization initiatives are scaled to encourage digital customer experience solutions and support. 

Cigniti’s SaaSified software platform provides insights to the holistic digital experience lifecycle by measuring the customer experience & providing a sentiment view on a given consumer’s experience across three stages – Pre-experience, Run-time experience, and Post-experience. 

Are you looking out to deliver more meaningful experiences to your customers? Talk to our Customer Experience Assurance experts to identify how you can provide customer experience assurance as a servicethereby increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction. 


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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