Overcoming Top Challenges during UFT to LeanFT Migration

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Earlier, in the Waterfall, Spiral and other traditional models of software development, the Software Testing was performed at the end of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) due to which defects or bugs were identified at the end of the SDLC that needed additional timelines for fixation and finally ended up with disparity in agreed timelines for quality product delivery. Today’s enterprises demand agility and quickness towards release of quality products that is possible only through effective automation testing using best test automation tools. The agile methodology follows the sprint concept; few features are developed and tested in parallel which demands Shift-Left approach; the practice of integration and testing at every phase of the software development life cycle. Thus, the Software testing life cycle (STLC) has taken a Shift left practice with the test automation being performed in parallel with development.

Moreover, even the new emerging technologies like Cloud, Big Data demand agility and speed to deliver on-time quality products thus assuring continuous testing and continuous delivery through effective automation tools like Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and many others. Test automation varies with the nature of business and though UFT has been an industry standard solution for automation for quite some time, with the on-going technology innovations, recently HP has unveiled LeanFT during the recently concluded HP Discover June 2015. LeanFT has many added features & is more advanced than UFT and it empowers a common IDE for developers and testers. However, in the migration of these UFT scripts to LeanFT, there are some major challenges that have been detailed below.

Common challenges during UFT to LeanFT migration:

  1. People Acceptance to the new Change: The introduction of new functional LeanFT tool needs the acceptance from the enterprises and organizations to adopt the new technology.
  2. Skill Set Needed; Knowledge of C# and Java: The major challenge that occurs with UFT migration to LeanFT is that the testers should have the knowledge of C# or Java as LeanFT has language support for C# and Java and UFT scripts exist in VBScript. With no more of VBScript involved, it might be a steep learning curve for testers but Java and C# are supposed to be better alternatives and would lead to more collaboration between developer and testers.
  3. Resource Availability: There should be availability of ample resources having functional knowledge of the above technologies to perform and successfully migrate UFT Scripts to LeanFT.
  4. Time Involved in Script Development: The time involved in the development of UFT scripts to LeanFT involves considerably lot of effort from the testers as detailed below:

If there exist 10,000 lines of UFT scripts – if suppose each script takes 2 hrs effort to develop the new script by a tester & if a tester does 20 scripts per day on a normal average (8 hrs) then, in order to convert 10,000 scripts it takes substantially longer time running into numerous man hours that increases both cost and time. Further, the cost factor involved for already existing test suite in UFT which runs into thousands of code lines, that is already under execution and maintenance also relatively involves lot of cost & effort of testers to get it migrated to LeanFT.

  1. Effort Involved in Manual Migration of UFT Scripts to LeanFT: In order to manually migrate UFT scripts, it involves a lot of effort as the tester needs to author a new script that takes more effort to develop the entire script from the scratch.
  2. Timelines: Along with the cost factor mentioned earlier, the timelines defined for a particular migration also gets affected. The other major challenge is though UFT is highly suitable for automation, and supports a vast range of technology services, but the effort extended for migration takes relatively longer time for script conversion while LeanFT is highly suitable for Agile, DevOps and is effective for continuous integration and continuous testing, as most enterprise applications today opt for the Agile methodology.

In view of the above facts let’s take a look up at the new Migration solution that overcomes all the above and provides a useful migration from UFT to LeanFT without any hindrances and ensures a cakewalk migration.

What is the latest tool that helps for easy migration from HP UFT to LeanFT?

QuickLean by Cigniti Technologies is the World’s First Automated HP UFT to LeanFT migration tool. QuickLean team worked in close proximity with the HP R&D team to come up with World’s first automated tool for UFT to LeanFT Migration.

What does QuickLean perform?

QuickLean converts your HP UFT scripts to be readily used with HP’s latest and advanced functional test automation solution – LeanFT. QuickLean makes your Agile Test Automation journey easy and fast with HP LeanFT. Hassle free migration from UFT to LeanFT is easy and simple with Cigniti’s QuickLean migration solution. It helps save time, cost and eases the entire process of UFT to LeanFT migration saving time by nearly 80%.

With a number of migration tools existing in the market, choose Cigniti’s QuickLean tool to migrate your HP UFT scripts to LeanFT. It marks a typically sensible investment that any business should consider when taking the plunge and switching from Unified Functional Testing to Lean Functional Testing. The few challenges of manual switching can be far more destructive than you expect, so a readymade solution that automates the entire process is the best thing you can adopt for easy and painless migration. Contact Cignitis team today to know more about QuickLean.

uft to leanft migration


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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