Continuous Testing practices that separate DevOps leaders from laggards Cigniti Technologies2021-05-20T20:30:00+05:30The pre-requisite for customer constancy and digital success is to deliver high quality software at high speed. Customers in the digital era are well positioned to choose the client of their choice who can provide superior experience at pace with heightened quality and trifling cost. Enterprises that do not meet their [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail May 20, 2021 Read more...
Continuous Quality Assurance for multi-cloud strategy and management success Cigniti Technologies2023-05-16T16:02:17+05:30The most disruptive phenomenon in recent times is touted to be the evolution of digital technologies. In the process of driving digital transformation, organizations across the world are moving from legacy on-premise environments (technologies, processes, and platforms) to modern and sophisticated IT stacks. One of the key steps in IT stack modernization is [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail March 1, 2021 Read more...
Accelerate Your Agile and DevOps Journey with Continuous Testing Cigniti Technologies2022-10-31T14:20:38+05:30The implementation and success of digital offerings are pivotal to the success of enterprises’ business growth. In the path to Agile and DevOps success, enterprises may have to ensure that all components of their IT processes adapt quickly and effectively. How IT leaders choose to future-proof their continuous testing [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail February 18, 2021 Read more...
Why Continuous Testing deserves more credit from the IT industry Cigniti Technologies2020-08-19T23:43:02+05:30“Digital acceleration can’t happen without better-quality software, and software testing matters more than ever for quality at speed.” This quote by the leading analyst, Forrester, cannot be more true. While global enterprises have accelerated their digital adoption amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that they do not leave software testing out [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail June 29, 2020 Read more...
Integrating Automation with Continuous Testing in a CI/CD pipeline Cigniti Technologies2021-09-16T14:06:18+05:30Software development practices and methodologies have evolved significantly since the time humans were introduced to an idea of a code. The most critical outcome of this evolutionary journey has been the greater focus on software testing. We are now in the era of DevOps – a methodology that harmonizes each [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail June 25, 2020 Read more...
How to Get Digital Transformation Right with Continuous testing Cigniti Technologies2020-08-20T00:02:58+05:30Agile manifesto came into existence almost two decades back, changing the IT industry out and out. Emphasizing value of the items on the left more than the items on the right, Agile manifesto focused on cutting down the delivery time and determined working software as the primary measure of [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail June 27, 2019 Read more...
8 Ways Continuous Testing Empowers Your Software to Avert Failures Cigniti Technologies2020-08-20T00:16:05+05:30The frequent occurrences of software failures have disarrayed the traditional software development processes and instilled the need for a more advanced approach toward software building and testing. Even a minor fault in an application may cost an organization its reputation, leading to financial losses and decreased user base. In [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail May 2, 2019 Read more...
Continuous Testing Is The Answer to Software Failures Cigniti Technologies2020-08-20T00:05:02+05:30In 2017, software failures cost the economy US$ 1.7 trillion in financial losses. In total, software failures at 314 companies affected 3.6 billion people and caused more than 268 years in downtime. Software failures can prove to be the nemesis of organizations in this world of digital transformations as they [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail January 7, 2019 Read more...