How to make Test Automation work effectively for your Enterprise

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Repeatability and Consistency are the two key power zones of Test Automation that experts and practitioners in the industry have optimized to accelerate the Software Testing and development Cycle. Test Automation has become an inseparable option for contemporary software testing approaches such DevOps and Agile methodologies. Testing experts and businesses are collaborating to build an all-inclusive Enterprise Test Automation strategy that can help build faster and better applications.

There are intense discussions and arguments around the Proprietary Test Automation tools and Open Source Test Automation tools such as Selenium Test Automation. Proprietary Test Automation tools come with intrinsic benefits such as regular upgrades, standardized formats, tried and tested scripts, and systematic training schedules.

On the other hand, Open Source Test Automation frameworks such as Selenium are gaining popularity due to the open and compatible testing platform they offer, along with the cost factors.

However, such frameworks and automation can work for you only if they are applied with the required Test Automation strategy and best practices.

Test Automation requires investments specific to training resources and tools, so it is important to get the most from the investment. It is equally important to measure the tangible benefits that you should get by adopting Automation of tests over Manual Testing.

It is critical to set these parameters before the process starts, so that it becomes easier to establish the success rate. Some key target areas are:

  • Enhanced Test coverage can be achieved by making the test suite comprehensive by including every aspect of the application for testing.
  • It makes the testing cycle faster and repeatable with the test framework, where the application can be tested for stability and performance.
  • The test scripts that are upgraded during each testing cycle can be reused for other projects as well. This makes the process cost-effective.
  • Credibility of the tests is high, as the test scripts are automated and can perform the same activity rigorously.

Enterprises need skilled and specialized teams to work towards building a comprehensive and practical test automation strategy that is aligned with the objectives of the project and the organization. Nevertheless, it always helps to know the best practices that can make the strategy resourceful and effective.

We have put together some best practices that can help make test automation work for your enterprise, irrespective of the business domain.

  • Align the Test Automation strategy with your business and project’s objective.

Test Automation might work for some projects, but might not work for others. It totally depends on your project’s objective and what you intend to achieve. Some projects need rigorous tests to confirm the performance and functionality.

It helps in assessing the interface and usability of the application. The tests get repeatable and there is no scope of manual errors. Web applications help in building responsiveness and UI layouts. So, it is important to know what you intend to achieve with your test automation strategy.

  • Plan testing way ahead in the Software Development Cycle (SDLC)

New approaches in software testing such as Agile Testing and DevOps reinforce that software testing should be planned way ahead in the development process. Agile approach breaks down the project into sprints and encourages more collaboration between testing development teams.

This helps build a robust automated testing approach that syncs well with the development approach as well. Also, it helps to evaluate the tests with every sprint and make necessary alterations.

  • Choose the right tool that fits your need

We again go back to the first point. Choosing the right tool depends on your testing objective and need of the project. For instance, if you have to check the performance of a financial application, you will choose a test automation tool that focuses on load/stress testing.

There are tools that just test compatibility of an application across browsers and devices. So, the tool has to be compatible with the project and even the team that is working with the tool. The decision has to be taken after discussing with the teams testing and developing the application/software.

Additionally, it is important to confirm the reputation of the company that has brought this tool to the market.

  • It is crucial to manage your test assets

Test Automation is all about building the right test assets and centralizing them to make it available for future projects. So, it is important to centralize them in a common repository for faster access and testing.

Additionally, it helps in organizing the test assets and eventually making it reusable for other projects. Test Automation is known for making the software testing process cost-effective, as it enhances the reusability of test scripts.

  • It is recommended to eliminate outdated Test cases

Building and updating test cases is critical in the Test Automation process. When the application goes through the development cycle, test cases also get outdated and it is important to eliminate them. You can also do validity checks post every release to keep your tests updated and relevant for the project.

With Digital Transformation and application of digital technologies, software testing has become an ongoing process. There is no confirmed pattern to test applications today. It is an ongoing learning process that needs extensive experience with tools.

Test Automation helps to make the process iterative and continuous. Additionally, a well-structured and comprehensive test automation strategy helps achieve results from investments in test automation tools.

Importantly, it helps get your application/software faster to the market and ensure quality to make it market ready.

Cigniti’s test automation strategy enables organizations to increase release velocity, cut time to market and reduce overall testing effort for better Return on Investment (ROI). We invest over a $1mn annually to develop intellectual property and have built strategic partnerships with industry leading automation tool vendors to bring value for our customers.

Additionally, we are also an active contributor in open source platforms for test automation and is a silver sponsor of Selenium.

Contact us to build a robust Test Automation strategy that brings tried and tested best practices to help you achieve your business objectives.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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Comment (1)

  • Lisa Hyden

    Automation testing helps the organization to build faster and better applications. All the points that you have shared in this content are very informative in business point of view. Thanks for sharing!

    May 31, 2017 at 11:40 AM

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